
Accordion component

The accordion component in web development is a UI element that expands to reveal hidden content when clicked. Accordions are typically used in software like e-commerce websites to hide and show product details, FAQs to display answers, mobile apps for navigation menus, and dashboards for presenting layers of data, offering a clean, organized way to condense complex content on a single page.




Section 1

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Section 2

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import React, { createContext, useState, useContext, useRef, useEffect, useCallback, HTMLAttributes } from 'react';
    import './Accordion.css'
    import Icon from '@/components/Icon/Icon';
    type AccordionContextType = {
        activeName: string | null;
        setActiveName: React.Dispatch<React.SetStateAction<string | null>>;
        darkMode?: boolean
        setDarkMode?: React.Dispatch<React.SetStateAction<boolean>>;
    type AccordionProviderProps = {
        children: React.ReactNode;
        darkMode?: boolean
    } & HTMLAttributes<HTMLElement>
    type AccordionProps = {
        children: React.ReactNode;
    } & HTMLAttributes<HTMLElement>
    type AccordionTriggerProps = {
        name: string;
        children: React.ReactNode;
    } & HTMLAttributes<HTMLElement>
    type AccordionContentProps = {
        name: string;
        children: React.ReactNode;
    } & HTMLAttributes<HTMLElement>
    const AccordionContext = createContext<AccordionContextType>({ activeName: null, setActiveName: () => { }, darkMode: false });
    const useAccordion = () => useContext(AccordionContext);
    export const AccordionProvider: React.FC<AccordionProviderProps> = ({ children, darkMode = false }) => {
        const [activeName, setActiveName] = useState<string | null>(null);
        return (
            <AccordionContext.Provider value={{ activeName, setActiveName, darkMode }}>
                <div className={`accordionProvider `}>
    export const Accordion: React.FC<AccordionProps> = ({ children, ...props }) => {
        const { darkMode } = useAccordion();
        return (
            <div {...props} className={`accordion  ${darkMode && 'darkMode'}`}>
    export const AccordionTrigger: React.FC<AccordionTriggerProps> = ({ name, children, ...props }) => {
        const { activeName, setActiveName, darkMode } = useAccordion();
        const isActive = name === activeName;
        const handleClick = () => {
            setActiveName(isActive ? null : name);
        return (
            <div {...props} onClick={handleClick} className={`accordionTrigger   ${isActive && 'active'} ${darkMode && 'darkMode'}`}>
                <Icon invert={darkMode} image='/Accordion/arrow.svg' alt='' height={16} width={16} />
    export const AccordionContent: React.FC<AccordionContentProps> = ({ name, children, ...props }) => {
        const { activeName, darkMode } = useAccordion();
        const contentRef = useRef<HTMLDivElement>(null);
        const [height, setHeight] = useState<number | undefined>(0);
        const isActive = name === activeName;
        const updateHeightOnResize = useCallback(() => {
            if (isActive && contentRef?.current?.scrollHeight) {
                setHeight(contentRef.current.scrollHeight + 16);
        }, [isActive]);
        useEffect(() => {
            window.addEventListener('resize', updateHeightOnResize);
            return () => {
                window.removeEventListener('resize', updateHeightOnResize);
        }, [updateHeightOnResize]);
        useEffect(() => {
            if (isActive && contentRef?.current?.scrollHeight) {
                setHeight(contentRef.current.scrollHeight + 16);
            } else {
        }, [isActive]);
        return (
                className={`accordionContent ${props.className ? props.className : ''} ${isActive ? 'active' : ''}  ${darkMode && 'darkMode'}`}
                style={{ maxHeight: `${height}px` }}